Saturday, March 10, 2007

Recent Fiction Novel I'm Reading

Just wanted to let you know of a science fiction book I'm rereading during my waiting times (for subway, bus, etc.).

The book name is Shadow of the Giant, by Orson Scott Card. It is book 3 in a 3-book series that follows one of the supporting characters from Card's original novel Ender's Game. I probably reread Card's books once or twice a year. He has a way of explaining world-level politics and cultures that has the ring of truth in it, even if it might sometimes be prejudicial and superficial. As I ponder, explaining world cultures for my upcoming Superman novel, I like to remind myself of the authors I believe did it well.

I hope in the next 3 weeks to have a brief blurb for the upcoming Superman novel uploaded on the website's Fiction Writing Section. I haven't seriously started the process of writing the novel because I'm still working on the Batman novel, but the process of background, character development, and outline is ongoing. If I can actually meet projections and finish the 1st draft of the Batman novel by the end of the 2007 academic semester, I may be able to start writing my Superman story. I'm excited because it represents a new and different style of writing for me, and I think the story I'm coming up with is actually very interesting and topically relevant in today's world.

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