Sunday, May 9, 2010

The Joy of Too Much Work

I think the critical mass point is finally in sight. When I first decided to add model photography to my skill set last summer, I knew there would be a significant amount of time spent scrounging both for models willing to let me shoot them and for money to pay the models that demanded cash compensation. In the month of April I had six different shoots, only 2 of which I paid to participate in. Of the six shoots, I was able to garner from three of them images I think are of high enough quality to begin assembling a physical portfolio book. With the remaining shoots I have lined up for the next month or so, I think by July I’ll be able to start attracting models to shoot with me on the strength of my port and name alone; by Sep/Oct I should be able to break even on shoots from either selling the images or the model paying me to shoot her.

Today’s images are both from different April shoots. The single model, Genevieve, I tracked down through her Model Mayhem page and contacted. She was a pleasure to work with: easygoing and creative. The couple, Jessica and DeSean, I also contacted off of Model Mayhem; I answered a casting call Jessica had put out looking for photographers. DeSean was a great worker, and hopefully he manages to succeed in getting signed to an agency. I hope to work with Jessica again in the near future.

I'm hoping in July to have some time to revamp the website. I also should have some thoughts ready to post then about the TV series Lost. As the series concludes, I find myself considering how the series worked as a story, and how the series was received by the audience, and what all of that says about current American culture.